SearchBlox provides the ability to sort the search results by relevance, mrank, date. The parameters for the sort are as below:
* &sort=mrank&sortdir=asc - Sort by relevance in ascending order
* &sort=mrank&sortdir=desc- Sort by relevance in descending order
* &sort=relevance&sortdir=desc - Sort by relevance in descending order
* &sort=relevance&sortdir=asc - Sort by relevance in ascending order
* &sort=date&sortdir=desc - Sort by date in descending order
* &sort=date&sortdir=asc - Sort by date in ascending order
You can use this sort directly in UI in our faceted plugin as in the screenshot below:
There is one more additional option alphabetical order using which the results can be sorted based on the alphabetical order of title. The user can use this sort in plugin by editing the settings file (facet.js) in the plugin. The parameters for this sort is as below:
* &sort=alpha&sortdir=asc - Sort by the title in ascending order
* &sort=alpha&sortdir=desc - Sort by the title in descending order
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